Saarland University Medical Center and Saarland University Faculty of Medicine
Spinal disc herniation

Spinal disc herniation

Disc herniation occurs by leakage of an intervertebral disc into the spinal canal and may occur at the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine. This leaked disc portion can cause severe pain and also lead to paralysis, numbness or a disturbed bowel and bladder emptying. Surgical treatment may be indicated if no long-term improvement can be achieved by conservative treatment with painkillers and physiotherapy or in cases of paralysis or impaired bladder or bowel movements (incontinence). The surgical technique depends on the localization and extent of the herniated disc. In the cervical spine, the operation is mostly made in the front and in the region of the lumbar spine usually carried out from behind. Should there also be a mechanical instability, stabilization by screws, plates etc. may be additionally required (see below).


Herniated disc between the 5th lumbar and 1st sacral vertebra. Left: MRT Visualization sagittal T2, middle: MRT Visualization axial T2, right: normal findings


Herniated discs of the cervical spine (arrow points to height betw. 4th and 5th cervical vertebrae). Left: MRT Visualization sagittal T2, middle: MRT Visualization axial T2, right: normal findings