Publications (selection)
Journal contributions
- Full Endoscopic Interlaminar Lumbar Disc Surgery: Is it the Gold Standard Yet? Burkhardt B, Qadeer M, Oertel JMK, Sharif S, World Spinal Column Journal, Volume 5 / No: 2 / May 2014
- A new endoscopic spine system: First results with „Easy GO“ Oertel J, Mondorf Y, Gaab M., Acta Neurochir (Wien) 2009; 151:1027-1033
- High-definition imaging in spinal neuroendoscopy. Philipps M, Oertel J., Minim Invasive Neurosurg 53(3):142-146, 2010
Conference lectures
- 32nd International Course for Percutaneous Endoscopic Spinal Surgery and Complementary Minimal Invasive Techniques (ISMISS) 2014, Zürich, Schweiz EasyGO-system-HD-endoscopy versus microscopy: is there a difference?
- 32nd International Course for Percutaneous Endoscopic Spinal Surgery and Complementary Minimal Invasive Techniques (ISMISS) 2014, Zürich, Schweiz Endoscopic posterior decompression of cervical foraminal stenosis with the EasyGO-system
- 65. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurochirurgie (DGNC) 2014, Dresden, Deutschland Anterior Cervical Diskektomy und Fusion (ACDF) mit und ohne Stabilisierung durch eine Platte. Eine Langzeitverlaufsuntersuchung
- 4th World Congress of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery and Techniques (IV. WCMISST) 2014, Paris, Frankreich The visualization with the EasyGO - HD-endoscopy and the microscopy in spinal surgery. Is there a difference?
- 4th World Congress of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery and Techniques (IV. WCMISST) 2014, Paris, Frankreich Endoscopic options with the EasyGO-system in cervical spine – posterior applications
- 9. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Wirbelsäulenchirurgie (DWG) 2014, Leipzig Klinische Ergebnisse nach anterior zervikaler Diskektomie und Fusion mit einem autologen Beckenkammspan: Eine retrospektive Studie mit einem Langzeitverlauf von bis zu 45 Jahren
- 9. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Wirbelsäulenchirurgie (DWG) 2014, Leipzig Anterior zervikale Diskektomie und Fusion – Ist die Fusion mit Platte überlegen?
- 33rd International Course for Percutaneous Endoscopic Spinal Surgery and Complementary Minimal Invasive Techniques (ISMISS) 2015, Zürich, Schweiz Endoscopic decompression of unilateral recess stenosis with the EasyGO-system
- 132. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Chirurgie (DGCH) 2015, München Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion with an autologous iliac crest and anterior plate stabilization - A retrospective follow up study with a mean of 22 years
- 66. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurochirurgie (DGNC) 2015, Karlsruhe, Deutschland Endoskopische zervikale dorsale Foraminotomie bei knöchernen Neuroforamenstenosen
- 16th EFORT Congress 2015, Prag, Tschechien Endoscopy in Lumbar Spine Surgery – Options with the EasyGO-system
- 15th World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies (WFNS) Interim Meeting 2015, Rom, Italien The clinical outcome after anterior cervical discectomy and fusion with an autologus iliac crest: a retrospective up to 45-year follow-up study
- ISMISS Turkey Congress 2015, Istanbul, Türkei Endoscopic Lumbar Spine Surgery – Options with the EasyGO-system
- Congress of Neurological Surgerons (CNS) Annual Meeting 2013, San Francisco, USA Endoscopic Spine Surgery with the EasyGO-system
- Congress of Neurological Surgeons (CNS) Annual Meeting, 2013, San Francisco, USA Endoscopic Spine Surgery with EasyGO. An analysis after 200 procedures with a long-term follow-up
- Congress of Neurological Surgeons (CNS) Annual Meeting 2013, San Francisco, USA Ultra long-term of the Anterior cervical discectomy and Fusion with an autologous iliac crest
- 15th World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies (WFNS) Interim Meeting 2015, Rom, Italien Microdiscectomy vs. standard open lumbar discectomy. A retrospective study with a mean follow up of more than 32 years
- 15th World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies (WFNS) Interim Meeting 2015, Rom, Italien Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion with an autologous iliac crest and anterior plate stabilization: A retrospective study with a mean follow up of 22 years
- 15th World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies (WFNS) Interim Meeting 2015, Rom, Italien The visualization with EasyGO - HD-endoscopy versus microscopy in spinal surgery. Is there a difference?
Book contribution
- Cervical Spine – Minimally Invasive and Open Surgery Chapter: Endoscopy in Cervical Spine Surgery (J.M. Oertel, B.W. Burkhardt) Springer Books 2016, Editor: Pier Paolo Maria Menchetti
- Endoscopic Spine Surgery Chapter 9: Tubular Endoscopic Lumbar Laminoforaminotomy and Diskectomy (J.M. Oertel, B.W. Burkhardt) Thieme Books 2016, Editor: Daniel H. Kim
- Endoscopic Spine Surgery Chapter 10: Tubular Endoscopic Lumbar Decompressive Laminectomy and Foraminotomy (B.W. Burkhardt, J.M. Oertel) Thieme Books 2016, Editor: Daniel H. Kim