Faculté de Médecine de l'Université de la Sarre

Kooperationsplattform Gesundheit

Platform Healthcare - Research Call 2020/21

The health platform 2020/21 research call was initiated to expand the cooperation between the Saarland University of Applied Sciences (htw) and the Saarland University (UdS) and is funded by the Saarland state government.

This research call is intended to consolidate the collaborative use and the expansion of existing infrastructures. Particularly desired is the integration of young scientists in the scope of cooperative doctoral research programs.

Who can apply?

The proposal is limited to research projects in the healthcare sector. Eligible proposals have to be made up of a cooperative team of professors, post-docs or research groups from both htw and UdS. Healthcare projects target restoration or maintenance of physical and/or mental health, as well as health prophylaxis and diagnosis. Preclinical and clinical studies should be designed with the perspective of a transfer into clinical practice.

How to apply:

The call extends the HOMFOR research funding by the Saarland University Medical Faculty and is accessible for healthcare researchers from both Saarland universities. To be considered admissible, a proposal/application must:

  • be a cooperative healthcare research project of both universities;
  • be submitted in the electronic submission system (http://homfor2011.med-an.uni-saarland.de/koop_ges/login.php) before the deadline given in the call conditions;
  • be readable, accessible and printable;
  • be complete and include the requested administrative data, the proposal description, and any obligatory supporting documents specified in the call/contest;
  • include a draft plan for the exploitation and dissemination of the results.

Schedule and conditions:

Start of the application phase:


Deadline :


Targeted project start:


The proposal must contain a meaningful title, a short summary of the planned project (limited to 250 words), a short scientific CV of the group leaders according to the DFG application rules, a list of up to 5 relevant publications each, and a comprehensive proposal description. The proposal description has a limitation of 2500 words and must contain a description of the state of the art science, a 6-month project plan and a calculation of eligible costs.

*Please note that due to Covid-19 situation the project duration is only 6 months and the eligible costs are limited to the acquisition of equipment. Personnel costs are not eligible in 2021. Comparative offers are mandatory for all equipment expenditures over € 1000.00.

Additional documents (e.g., comparative offers, approval of the ethics committee) can be uploaded as attachment (<5 MB). Approval numbers must be submitted via the online form.

Review Process:

The review board is composed of members of the UdS Medical Faculty and members of the htw that work in the healthcare sector. Individual reviewers are appointed by the organizational committee of the Platform Healthcare.

The reviewers grade the proposals with focus on:

  • originality and relevance of the research question (scores double)
  • project specific preliminary work
  • feasibility (scores double)
  • presentation of the proposed project