Saarland University Medical Center and Saarland University Faculty of Medicine


The so-called nerve compression syndromes are among the disorders of peripheral nerves which are often treated in neurosurgery. In case of a longer-lasting effect pressure upon a nerve, damage to the affected nerve with corresponding neurological deficits can occur. Typically, these nerve compression syndromes occur in an area where a mismatch between the thickness of the nerve and the adjacent anatomical structures prevails. The carpal tunnel syndrome belongs to the most common compression diseases, in which the median nerve is compressed at the wrist and the cubital tunnel syndromes (or "ulnar nerve entrapment", "ulnar neuropathy elbow"), in which the ulnar nerve is pressed chronically in the elbow.

Typical symptoms include numbness with tingling or numbness in the area supplied by the affected nerve. After a longer time, it can also lead to a weakening of the muscles supplied by the nerves.

Nerve compression syndromes can be distinguished  from other nerve disorders through clinical, electrophysiological examinations and image recording of the nerve. Electrophysiological studies take up a central position.

If conservative treatment measures do not lead to lasting improvement of symptoms or the disease advances even more, surgical treatment can be carried out in the majority of nerve compression syndromes with very good success.

In our neurosurgical medical care center we do not only offer appropriate advice in case of a compression syndrome, but also the advanced diagnosis in the event of a suspected diagnosis. Surgical treatment can be planned and carried out mostly on an outpatient basis; in some cases the planning of a hospital admission for surgery is necessary.


Treatment spectrum

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Pronator teres syndrome / interosseous nerve-anterior syndrome
  • Cubital tunnel syndrome
  • Ulnar tunnel syndrome
  • Rear / front tarsal
  • Morton metatarsalgia
  • Meralgia paraesthetica