Saarland University Medical Center and Saarland University Faculty of Medicine


We consider pediatric neurosurgical care and therapy as an inclusive process in which pediatric neurosurgical expertise, competent co-supervision of all disciplines of pediatrics and parents are all united. We also work closely with the Department of Neuroradiology and on the surgical field with the Department of Pediatric Surgery and the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Our goal is to provide the sick child with a finely tuned therapy, which can be continued afterwards by the referring physicians and facilities.

Our team consists of Prof. Oertel (Director), Dr. med. S. Linsler (Senior Consultant) and an assistant in rotation. Therefore, special pediatric experience is combined with neurosurgical-operative expertise.


Our small patients are cared for in the Department of Pediatrics and accompanied by our team through daily visits. We are always available for further information during consultation hours or by submitting written requests.