Saarland University Medical Center and Saarland University Faculty of Medicine
Evaluation of Academic Training


Evaluation means that you can ask students for feedback, whether and to what extent the curriculum was actually imparted by the lecturer. This is the only way to identify issues/points, where improvements in teaching might be necessary.

Therefore, since the summer semester of 2006 (initially mainly in the practical seminar) we have been asking students for their opinion on recently experienced teaching courses. We believe that asking for feedback directly after the class is important, because as a result strengths and weaknesses of these courses can be identified. Students hand in the feedback sheets anonymously to ensure that no one needs to fear disadvantages for making primarily negative remarks. Knowing our weaknesses helps us to learn the most.

So far about 600 evaluation forms have been filled out, allowing us to already draw some important conclusions. Thank you to all who have already participated until now.

Overall, until now we have been quite satisfied with our evaluation scores, as 90% of students rated our practical seminars as good or excellent (Figure 1) (Internal number 5).

This is further confirmed by Figure 2, showing that most of our teachers received “very good” and “good” as grade. (Internal number 2)

Figure 3 (internal number 3) shows that the offer of courses was just right for 70% of the students. Few felt a little overwhelmed and very few insufficiently challenged by our classes.

To ask for a more detailed overview of our courses, the questionnaire also contained questions about the punctuality of teachers (Figure 4, internal 8), their professionalism (Figure 5, internal 15), and to what extent the teaching also made clinical references (Figure 6, internal 11), if the lecturer showed willingness for discussion (Figure 7, internal 18) and the preparation of teachers (Figure 8, internal 10). These are just examples of a variety of details that we inquired. We were able to identify specific points to improve our teaching and we have gladly accepted this challenge. The evaluation findings will already have an impact on our lessons in the next summer semester.

As we strongly believe in the value of such evaluations, we will continue to do so in the coming years, even if we could already be quite satisfied according to our previous reviews. Because even the best still can be improved.


We ask our prospective students to evaluate us in the future as well (as your predecessors). Please tell us about your first impressions on our teaching methods by submitting evaluation sheets. Absolute anonymity is guaranteed.