Saarland University Faculty of Medicine
Movie 4 (3D-structure of the heterotrimeric complex between ribosome, Sec61 and calmodulin)

 Calcium-Calmodulin as regulator of passive calcium efflux from the ER

(movies 3 & 4)



Movie 4: 3D-structure of the heterotrimeric complex between ribosome, Sec61 and Calmodulin 







Erdmann, F., Schäuble, N., Lang, S., Jung, M., Honigmann, A., Ahmad, M., Benedix, J., Dudek, J., Kopp, A., Helms, V., Cavalié, A., Wagner, R. und Zimmermann, R. (2011) "Interaction of calmodulin with Sec61a limits Ca2+ leakage from the endoplasmic reticulum",EMBO J. 30, 17-31.

Zimmermann, R., Eyrisch, S., Ahmad, M. und Helms, V. (2011) "Protein translocation across the ER membrane", Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1808, 912-924.