Saarland University Medical Center and Saarland University Faculty of Medicine
Univ.-Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Martina Sester



Walter Brendel Kolleg, Harnack Haus Berlin, 08.03.2018

Eingeladener Vortrag Martina Sester

Zelluläres Monitoring von Infektionen und Abstoßungsreaktionen


28th ECCMID, Madrid, Spain, 21.-24.04.2018

Posterpräsentation Stefanie Marx

S. Marx, C. Adam, S. Leyking, U. Sester, and M. Sester

Cellular immune function after polyclonal stimulation in transplant recipients is dose-dependently inhibited by immunosuppressive drugs but does not predict risk of infection or rejection


Posterpräsentation David Schub

D. Schub, A. Ledo, T. Schmidt, M. Enders, C. Ziller, T. Stenger, B. C. Gärtner, T. Meyer, and M. Sester

Elite athletes show more pronounced induction of influenza-specific T cells and antibodies after tetravalent influenza vaccination than controls

HLA-Workshop, Birkenfeld, 26.-27.04.2018

Eingeladener Vortrag Michaela Fischer

Zelluläre Abstoßungsdiagnostik



TBnet Tuberculosis Academy, St. Petersburg, Russland, 13.-16.5.2018


Nähere Infos zum Programm finden sich im Flyer


American Transplant Congress ATC, Seattle, USA, 02.-06.06.2018

Eingeladener Vortrag Martina Sester

CMV Immune Monitoring: Are we there yet?


Posterpräsentation Stefanie Marx

S. Marx, C. Adam, S. Leyking, U. Sester, and M. Sester

Polyclonal cellular immune function is dose-dependently inhibited by immunosuppressive drugs but has limited value in predicting infection or rejection episodes