Saarland University Medical Center and Saarland University Faculty of Medicine
Leitung: Prof. Dr. med. Michael D. Menger
Publikationen 2014

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Bomberg H, Bierbach B, Flache S, Scheuer C, Novák M, Schäfers HJ, Menger MD.

Vasopressin induces rectosigmoidal mucosal ischemia during cardiopulmonary bypass.

J Cardiac Surg 2014 29: 108-115.


Brust M, Aouane O, Thiébaud M, Flormann D, Verdier C, Kaestner L, Laschke MW, Selmi H, Benyoussef A, Podgorski T, Coupier G, Misbah C, Wagner C.

The plasma protein fibrinogen stabilizes clusters of red blood cells in microcapillary flows.

Sci Rep 2014 4: 4348.


Dahmke IN, Boettcher SP, Groh M, Mahlknecht U.

Cooking enhances curcumin anti-cancerogenic activity through pyrolytic formation of "deketene curcumin".

Food Chem 2014 151: 514-519


Diener MK, Menger MD, Jähne J, Saeger HD, Klar E.

Future perspectives for surgical research in Germany.

Langenbecks Arch Surg 2014 399: 253-262.


Diler E, Schwarz M, Nickels R, Menger MD, Beisswenger C, Meier C, Tschernig T.

Influence of external calcium and thapsigargin on the uptake of polystyrene beads by the macrophage-like cell lines U937 and MH-S.

BMC Pharmacol Toxicol 2014 15: 16.


Feng D, Menger MD, Wang H, Laschke MW.

Luminal epithelium in endometrial fragments affects their vascularization, growth and morphological development into endometriosis-like lesions in mice.

Dis Model Mech 2014 7: 225-232.


Harder Y, Schmauss D, Wettstein R, Egaña JT, Weiss F, Weinzierl A, Schuldt A, Machens HG, Menger MD, Rezaeian F

Ischemic tissue injury in the dorsal skinfold chamber of the mouse: a skin flap model to investigate acute persistent ischemia.

J Vis Exp. 2014 Nov 17;(93):e51900


Harz C, Ludwig N, Lang S, Werner TV, Galata V, Backes C, Schmitt K, Nickels R, Krause E, Jung M, Rettig J, Keller A, Menger M, Zimmermann R, Meese E.

Secretion and immunogenicity of the meningioma-associated antigen TXNDC16.

J Immunol. 2014 Sep 15;193(6):3146-54.


Histing T, Burkhardt M, Rollmann M, Menger MD, Pohlemann T.

[Funktionsoberarzt. Pseudo-title or meaningful position?].

Unfallchirurg 117(6):557-9.


Jeanmonod P, Laschke MW, Gola N, von Heesen M, Glanemann M, Menger MD, Moussavian MR.

Early Host Tissue Response to Different Types of Vascular Prostheses Coated with Silver Acetate or Vaporized Metallic Silver.

Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2014 47(6):680-8.


Juhasz-Böss I, Laschke MW, Müller F, Rosenbaum P, Baum S, Solomayer EF, Ulrich U.

Endometriosis: Survey of Current Diagnostic and Therapeutic Options and Latest Research Work.

Geburtshilfe Frauenheilkd. 2014 Aug;74(8):733-742.


Kiss A, Cucchiarini M, Menger MD, Kohn D, Hannig M, Madry H.

Enamel matrix derivative inhibits proteoglycan production and articular cartilage repair, delays the restoration of the subchondral bone and induces changes of the synovial membrane in a lapine osteochondral defect model in vivo.

J Tissue Eng Regen Med 2014 8: 41-49.


Laschke MW, Augustin V, Kleer S, Tschernig T, Menger MD.

Locally applied macrophage-activating lipopeptide-2 (MALP-2) promotes early vascularization of implanted porous polyethylene (Medpor®).

Acta Biomater. 2014 Nov;10(11):4661-9.


Laschke MW1, Grässer C, Kleer S, Scheuer C, Eglin D, Alini M, Menger MD.

Adipose tissue-derived microvascular fragments from aged donors exhibit an impaired vascularisation capacity.

Eur Cell Mater. 2014 Oct 23;28:287-98.


Laschke MW, Schank TE, Scheuer C, Kleer S, Shadmanov T, Eglin D, Alini M, Menger MD.

In vitro osteogenic differentiation of adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cell spheroids impairs their in vivo vascularization capacity inside implanted porous polyurethane scaffolds.

Acta Biomater 2014 pii: S1742-7061(14)00291-8.


Leidinger P, Backes C, Dahmke IN, Galata V, Huwer H, Stehle I, Bals R, Keller A, Meese 1.

What makes a blood cell based miRNA expression pattern disease specific?--a miRNome analysis of blood cell subsets in lung cancer patients and healthy controls.

Oncotarget. 2014 Oct 15;5(19):9484-97.


Li D, Beisswenger C, Herr C, Hellberg J, Han G, Zakharkina T, Voss M, Wiewrodt R, Bohle RM, Menger MD, Schmid RM, Stöckel D, Lenhof HP, Bals R.

Myeloid cell RelA/p65 promotes lung cancer proliferation through Wnt/β-catenin signaling in murine and human tumor cells.

Oncogene2014 33 : 1239-1248.


Liu Y, Liu X, Hao W,  Decker Y, Schomburg R, Fülöp L, Pasparakis M, Menger MD, Fassbender K.

IKKβ deficiency in myeloid cells ameliorates Alzheimer's disease-related symptoms and pathology.

J Neurosci. 2014 Sep 24;34(39):12982-99.


Minko P, Bücker A, Laschke M, Menger MD, Bohle R, Katoh M.

Mechanical thrombectomy of iliac vein thrombosis in a pig model using the Rotarex and Aspirex catheters.

Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol 37: 211-217.


Müller-Redetzky HC, Will D, Hellwig K, Kummer W, Tschernig T, Pfeil U, Paddenberg R, Menger MD, Kershaw O, Gruber AD, Weissmann N, Hippenstiel S, Suttorp N, Witzenrath M.

Mechanical ventilation drives pneumococcal pneumonia into lung injury and sepsis in mice: protection by adrenomedullin.

Crit Care 18: R73.


Nenicu A, Körbel C, Gu Y, Menger MD, Laschke MW.

Combined blockade of angiotensin II type 1 receptor and activation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ by telmisartan effectively inhibits vascularization and growth of murine endometriosis-like lesions.

Hum Reprod 29: 1011-24.


Orth P, Cucchiarini M, Wagenpfeil S, Menger MD, Madry H.

PTH [1-34]-induced alterations of the subchondral bone provoke early osteoarthritis.

Osteoarthritis Cartilage.


Rupertus K, Sinistra J, Scheuer C, Nickels RM, Schilling MK, Menger MD, Kollmar O.

Interaction of the chemokines I-TAC (CXCL11) and SDF-1 (CXCL12) in the regulation of tumor angiogenesis of colorectal cancer.

Clin Exp Metastasis.


Senger S, Kollmar O, Menger MD, Schilling MK, Rupertus K.

Darbepoetin-α Accelerates Neovascularization and Engraftment of Extrahepatic Colorectal Metastases.

Eur Surg Res. 5;53(1-4):25-36.


Stegemann JP, Verrier S, Gebhard F, Laschke MW, Martin I, Simpson H, Miclau T.

Cell therapy for bone repair: narrowing the gap between vision and practice.

Eur Cell Mater. 2014 May 6;27:1-4.


Strowitzki MJ, Dold S, von Heesen M, Körbel C, Scheuer C, Moussavian MR, Schilling MK, Kollmar O, Menger MD.

The phosphodiesterase 3 inhibitor cilostazol does not stimulate growth of colorectal liver metastases after major hepatectomy.

Clin Exp Metastasis. 2014 Oct;31(7):795-803.


Veith NT, Tschernig T, Gutbier B, Witzenrath M, Meier C, Menger M, Bischoff M.

Surfactant protein A mediates pulmonary clearance of Staphylococcus aureus.

Respir Res. 2014 Aug 5;15:85.