Saarland University Faculty of Medicine
Publikationen 2007
Leitung: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stefan Wagenpfeil

Publikationen 2007








vor 2000



Dienst M, Schneider G, Altmeyer K, Voelkering K, Georg T, Kramann B, Kohn D.
Correlation of intercondylar notch cross sections to the ACL size: a high resolution MR tomographic in vivo analysis.

Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery. 2007; 127: 253-260.

Gräber S, Richter S, Folz J, Pham PT, Jacob P, Schilling MK.
Clinical pathways in general surgery: Development, implementation, and evaluation.

Methods of Information in Medicine. 2007; 46: 574-579.

Rubie C, Frick VO, Pfeil S, Wagner M, Kollmar O, Kopp B, Gräber S, Rau BM, Schilling MK.
Correlation of IL-8 with induction, progression and metastatic potential of colorectal cancer.

World Journal of Gastroenterology. 2007; 13(37): 4996-5002.

Friedrich-Rust M, Ong MF, Martens S, Sarrazin C, Zeuzem S, Herrmann E.

Meta-Analysis of the performance of FibroScan for the staging of liver fibrosis.

Journal of Hepatology. 2007; 46(1 Suppl): 94.

Friedrich-Rust M, Ong MF, Herrmann E, Dries V, Samaras P, Zeuzem S, Sarrazin C.
Real-time elastography for noninvasive assessment of liver fibrosis in chronic viral hepatitis.

American Journal of Roentgenology. 2007; 188(3): 758-764.