Saarland University Medical Center and Saarland University Faculty of Medicine
Patient Testimonials / Erfahrungsberichte

Patient Testimonials / Erfahrungsberichte

Patienten Feedback / Erfahrungsberichte

“I had some trepidation about seeking a treatment far away from home in an institution I had never heard about but you and your institution made a believer out of me.”

Parkville, Montana, USA



"Dear Prof. Ezziddin,

Please accept my gratitude for the professional treatment and kind care I received from all of your staff and associates.

As I expressed to you in Homburg, I had some trepidation about seeking a treatment far away from home in an institution I had never heard about but you and your institution made a believer out of me.

I am looking forward to continuing my treatments at UKS am happy that BH sent me your way!

Best Regards..."



"I would recommend this hospital to every patients like me."

Seongnam, South Korea



"I am a medical doctor as well as patient. I am searching and trying to find my best treatment. And I found this hospital and it is one of the best hospital for treating metastatic prostate cancer. Just have to say the whole experience was one of the most professional. Every staffs are kind and caring in every aspects. I would recommend this hospital to every patients like me."



„Die Betreuung und Behandlung durch Ärzte und Pflegepersonal ist

fürsorglich, kompetent und freundlich.“




"Die Chemotherapien mit Docetaxel und Cabazitaxel (Abbruch nach der 3. Therapie) haben nur kurzfristig geholfen, aber mit Haarausfall, Appetitlosigkeit, körperlicher Schwäche und Müdigkeit erhebliche Nebenwirkungen gezeigt.

Bei der Nukleartherapie mit drei Infusionen innerhalb drei Monaten ist der PSA-Wert von 340 ng/ml auf 136 ng/ml gefallen. Die Therapie wurde ohne Nebenwirkungen vertragen. Die Betreuung und Behandlung durch Ärzte und Pflegepersonal ist fürsorglich, kompetent und freundlich."



“I am so fortunate to have discovered both Dr. Ezziddin and the Saarland university hospital nuclear medical center.”

Westlake, Texas, USA



"I was extremely pleased with both my experience and the results at the Department of Nuclear Medicine at Saarland University hospital.  Everyone including non-medical and medical staff were friendly and helpful in every possible way. Although I cannot speak German, the staff was very patient and tolerant and helpful in getting through language differences. I want to particularly complement Dr. Ezziddin because he was so generously available to spend time with me explaining my situation, my outlook, and providing confidence about what to expect from my treatment.

I feel particularly privileged to have been able to spend so much time with him. It made a huge impression and a real difference.


I am so fortunate to have discovered both Dr. Ezziddin and the Saarland university hospital nuclear medical center."




"Проведенный  в  Санкт-Петербурге  после проведения этих трёх циклов   DOTATOC —  ПЭТ-КТ показал хорошую ремиссию"



"Моей племяннице Ольга Р.  44 года  в Санкт-Петербурге около трёх лет назад был поставлен диагноз : нейроэндокринная  опухоль почки с метастазами в печень и кости. После удаления левой почки в в Санкт-Петербурге получала лечение : афинитор, окреотид, золедроновую кислота, было проведено несколько химиоэмболлизаций. Положительного результата проведённое лечение  не принесло. В течение 2018 года в  УНИВЕРСИТЕТСКОЙ КЛИНИКЕ ЗЕМЛИ СААРг. Хомбург D-66421 Германия  были проведены три курса пептидной рецепторной радионуклидной терапии с  Люцетием-177 (третий цикл с аугментацией Актинием -225). Снятые с помощью Гамма-излучения сцинтиграммы во время проведения терапевтических циклов показывали  в проекциях активное накопление радиоактивного вещества на известных поражениях опухоли. Проведенный  в  Санкт-Петербурге  после проведения этих трёх циклов   DOTATOC —  ПЭТ-КТ показал хорошую ремиссию. Отмечаются лишь минимальные остатки метастазов. Следующий контроль ПЭТ-КТ рекомендуется провести через 6-9 месяцев.

Поддерживающая терапия в настоящее время не требуется. Что может быть радостней такого сообщения !!! Большое спасибо персоналу и врачам Клиники Нуклеарной медицины, координатору Госпоже Керстин Зуттер. Особая благодарность Директору Клиники Профессору  С. Эцциддин, который ещё до проведения ПРР Терапии,  несмотря на свою занятость,  дистанционно консультировал и комментировал  лечение моей племянницы."


“I see that he and his team not just formally implement the protocols but try to individually find the best way of treatment.”

Kiev, Ukraine



"I became a patient of the Department of Nuclear Medicine of UKS in 2017 and have passed through several cycles of PSMA-PRLT therapy. Each of these procedures helped me a lot. From the very beginning I felt trust to Professor Ezziddin, as he seemed to be a person completely dedicated to his job. Since then I have this feeling strengthened a lot. I see that he and his team not just formally implement the protocols but try to individually find the best way of treatment. What I also like a lot is that not being an expert I have full logical picture of my treatment, and recommendations from Professor Ezziddin enabled me to have additional kinds of treatment to supplement the PSMA therapy. Professor Ezziddin is an unbeaten expert in what he is doing at his clinic, but his vast knowledge of the latest trends in medicine and strong intellect helps the patients to have a comprehensive approach to the treatment in their particular cases. Thank you, Professor!!!"



"Providing and maintaining professional standards to the highest level of care has made a very positive impression on me..."

Reading, UK



“During recent months I have made a series of visits to UKS where I have been well received and treated by its warm and friendly staff, both medical and administrative, operating in well-equipped facilities.  Providing and maintaining professional standards to the highest level of care has made a very positive impression on me and I am pleased that the close attention and novel course of nuclear medicine treatment, which is not available in the UK, appears to be working in my favour and I look forward to seeing further positive results during my next visit in a few weeks’ time.”



Ich habe mich immer bestens behandelt und versorgt gefühlt.“




"Ich will mich hiermit für die erfolgreiche Behandlung meiner Lebermetastasen in ihrer Klinik für Nuklearmedizin beim UKS in Homburg bedanken.

Auch bitte ich, meinen Dank an ihr Ärzte- und Pflegeteam weiterzugeben. Ich habe mich immer bestens behandelt und versorgt gefühlt.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen...."



"Für mich als Chemiker war die optimale Therapie relativ schnell gefunden, die Radioligandtherapie mit 177Lu"




"Für mich als Chemiker war die optimale Therapie relativ schnell gefunden, die Radioligandtherapie mit 177Lu. Maßgeblich dafür war nicht nur der Gewinn an Zeit, sondern auch die größtmögliche Erhaltung der Lebensqualität… Die letzte Kontrolle war am 24.10.18. Der PSA-Wert war  20,8 ng/ml. Jetzt sind alle Metastasen verschwunden, nur der Primarius zeigt noch geringe Aktivität…Die oben beschriebene Therapie habe ich mir zwar selbst ausgesucht, mit Prof. Ezziddin aber einen Arzt gefunden, der voll und ganz dahintersteht und zusammen mit seinem Team der Nuklearmedizin alles für seine Patienten tut. Ich fühle mich bei ihm in besten Händen und mir geht es ausgezeichnet."



"Nach zwei Zyklen Lutetiumtherapie (beim zweiten zuzüglich Actinium)

ist mein aktueller PSA 0,67"




"Vor der PSMA Therapie war mein Prostatakrebs austherapiert. PSA lag bei 110, Metastasen im Lymphsystem. Nach zwei Zyklen Lutetiumtherapie (beim zweiten zuzüglich Actinium) ist mein aktueller PSA 0,67. Die Nebenwirkungen waren überschaubar. Ich habe keine spürbare Mundtrockenheit. Professor Ezziddin und sein Team leisten hervorragende Arbeit, da nimmt man den bescheidenen Komfort gerne in Kauf. Trotz hohem Patientenaufkommen fühlt man sich als Patient hier persönlich und gut behandelt. Danke!"





"Dr. Ezziddin is a pioneer in the field of PMSA nuclides and especially Tandem therapy"

Hurst Texas, USA


"I have metastatic prostate cancer and was looking for an elegant solution for remission.  Dr Ezziddin is a pioneer in the field of PMSA nuclides and especially Tandem therapy. I found him after interviewing no less than 45 doctors and clinics. He is grounded, compassionate, personal and direct.  He is approachable and provided me a protocol designed for my needs as a patient.   As a US citizen, the PMSA therapy I received, though the cutting edge of treatment today, it is not available to me in the USA. I have read many of his 180 articles on online, and when he accepted my case, I had absolutely no question or reservation about quality of treatment in Homburg, Germany.  I was not disappointed

On arrival, each of his team dispatched their exacting, well-coordinated responsibilities with precision and compassion, if not love, of the patients. Each share a deep respect for Dr. Ezziddin and his Medical colleagues and a deep respect for each of the patients.  I speak several languages but not German; however, I was immediately put as ease as most of the staff speak English fluently and the rest are able communicators.  I was made to feel right at home, and the hospitality in a disciplined hospital setting was touching.

Homburg Hospital is the ideal setting for care. Homburg is a quiet town of about 45,000 in Saarland, a beautiful area a of southwestern Germany.  Easily accessed by car or train from Frankfurt airport. The campus is surrounded by wooded areas. The small three-story ward is self-contained. Admissions and scanning on the second floor, and a nine-room ward on the third.  It feels like a private clinic not a University campus. I was very comfortable.

The isotopes are sourced locally, and the PSMA nuclide is made on camps in their labs. The hospital is completely self-contained and the treatment streamlined: I was scanned/ accessed on Tuesday, treated with two simple IV injections on Wednesday, monitored for radiation and uptake of the PMSA nuclide on Thursday and Friday. I was released Friday with the appropriate paperwork to pass customs upon entering the USA. Extremely efficient excellent care.

I have absolutely no reservations about my care under Dr Ezziddin, his staff and UKS hospital.  I would heartily recommend him and my experience to anyone. My gratitude is beyond measure."