Saarland University Medical Center and Saarland University Faculty of Medicine
Leitung: Prof. Dr. Matthias Glanemann


Feiner LK, Tierling S, Holländer S, Glanemann M, Rubie C. An aging and p53 related marker: HOXA5 promoter methylation negatively correlates with mRNA and protein expression in old age. Aging (Albany NY) 2021. Feb 5;13. doi: 10.18632/aging.202621.


Rubie C, Zimmer J, Lammert F, Gross JC, Weber SN, Kruse B, Halajda B, Wagner M, Wagenpfeil S, Glanemann M. MicroRNA-496 and Mechanistic Target of Rapamycin Expression are Associated with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Obesity in Elderly People. Ann Nutr Metab 2019; 74: 279-286.


Kirchmeyer M, Servais FA, Hamdorf M, Nazarov PV, Ginolhac A, Halder R, Vallar L, Glanemann M, Rubie C, Lammert F, Kreis S, Behrmann I. Cytokine-mediated modulation of the hepatic miRNome: miR-146b-5p is an IL-6-inducible miRNA with multiple targets. J Leukoc Biol 2018; 104: 987-1002.


Rubie C, Kölsch K, Halajda B, Eichler H, Kruse B, Wagenpfeil S, Roemer K and Glanemann M. MicroRNA-496 – a new, potentially ageing-relevant regulator of mTOR. Cell Cycle 2016; 15:1108-16.


Rubie C, Kauffels A, Kölsch K, Glanemann M and Justinger C. CXCL12/CXCR4 display an inverse mRNA expression profile in gastric carcinoma that correlates with tumor progression. Oncology Lett 2016; 11: 360 - 364.


Frick VO, Rubie C, Keilholz U, Ghadjar P. Chemokine/chemokine receptor pair CCL20/CCR6 in human colorectal malignancy: An overview. World J Gastroenterol 2016; 22: 833-41.


Wagner M, Vicinus B, Muthra ST, Richards TA, Linder R, Frick VO, Groh A, Rubie C, Weichert F. Text mining, a race against time? An attempt to quantify possible variations in text corpora of medical publications throughout the years. Comput Biol Med 2016; 73: 173-85.


Shayesteh-Kheslat R, Kauffels A, Rubie C, Frick VO, Wagner M, Kollmar O, Schilling MK. Proangiogenic potency of MUC18 in arteriosclerotic disease. J Cardiovasc Surg 2015; 56: 409-15./p>


Wagner M, Vicinus B, Frick VO, Auchtor M, Rubie C, Jeanmonod P, Richards TA, Linder R, Weichert F. MicroRNA target prediction: theory and practice. Mol Genet Genomics 2014; 289: 1085-101.


Rubie C, Kruse B, Frick VO, Kölsch K, Ghadjar P, Wagner M, Grässer F, Wagenpfeil S, Glanemann M. Chemokine receptor CCR6 expression is regulated by miR-518a-5p in colorectal cancer cells. J Transl Med 2014; 12:12-48.


MicroRNA target prediction: theory and practice. Wagner M, Vicinus B, Frick VO, Auchtor M, Rubie C, Jeanmonod P, Richards TA, Linder R, Weichert F. Mol Genet Genomics. 2014 Jun 18. [Epub ahead of print]


Vicinus B, Rubie C, Stegmaier N, Kölsch K, Frick V, Ghadjar P, Wagner M, Glanemann M. MiR-21 and its target gene CCL20 are both highly over-expressed in the microenvironment of CRC tumors: consequences for their regulation. Oncol Rep 2013:  30:1285-1292.


Frick VO, Rubie C, Kölsch K, Wagner M, Ghadjar P, Graeber S, Glanemann M. CCR6/CCL20 chemokine expression profile in distinct colorectal malignancies. Scand J Immunol 2013; 78:298-305.


Vicinus B, Rubie C, Faust S, Frick V, Ghadjar P, Wagner M,  Graeber S and Schilling MK. miR-21 functionally interacts with
the 3'UTR of Chemokine CCL20 and down-regulates CCL20 expression in miR-21 transfected colorectal cancer cells. Cancer Lett 2012; 316:105-112.


Frick VO, Justinger C, Rubie C, Graeber S, Schilling MK, Lindemann W. Thoracotomy procedures effect cytokine levels after thoracoabdominal esophagectomy. Oncol Rep 2012; 27: 258-264.


Rubie C, Frick VO, Ghadjar P, Wagner M, Justinger C, Graeber S, Sperling J, Kollmar O, Schilling MK. Effect of preoperative FOLFOX chemotherapy on CCL20/CCR6 expression in colorectal liver metastases. World J Gastroenterol 2011; 17: 3109-3116.


Rubie C, Frick VO, Ghadjar P, Wagner M, Justinger C, Faust SK, Vicinus B, Gräber S, Kollmar O, Schilling MK. CXC receptor-4 mRNA silencing abrogates CXCL12-induced migration of colorectal cancer cells. J Transl Med 2011; 24: 9:22.


Oliveira Frick V, Rubie C, Ghadjar P, Faust SK, Wagner M, Gräber S, Schilling MK. Changes in CXCL12/CXCR4-chemokine expression during onset of colorectal malignancies. Tumour Biol 2011; 32:189-96.


Rubie C, Oliveira Frick V, Ghadjar P, Wagner M, Grimm H, Vicinus B, Justinger C, Graber S, Schilling M. CCL20/CCR6 expression Profile in pancreatic cancer. J Transl Med 2010; 8:45.


Ghadjar P, Rubie C, Aebersold DM, Keilholz U. The chemokine CCL20 and its receptor CCR6 in human malignancy with focus on colorectal cancer. Int J Cancer 2009; 125:741-745.


Justinger C, Schlüter C, Frick VO, Kopp B, Rubie C, Schilling MK. Increased growth factor expression after hepatic and
pancreatic resection. Oncol Rep 2008;20:1527-1532.


Rubie C, Kollmar O, Oliveira Frick V, Wagner M, Brittner B, Graeber S,  Schilling MK. Differential CXC receptor expression in colorectal malignancies. Scan J Immunol  2008; 68:635-644.


Oliveira Frick V, Rubie C, Wagner M, Graeber S, Grimm H, Kopp B, Rau B, Schilling MK. Enhanced ENA-78 and IL-8 expression in patients with malignant pancreatic diseases. Pancreatology 2008; 8:488-497.


Rubie C, Oliveira Frick V, Wagner M, Schuld J, Graeber S, Bohle RM, Schilling MK. ELR+ CXC chemokine expression in benign and malignant colorectal conditions. BMC Cancer 2008; 8:178-189.


Rubie C, Oliveira Frick V, Pfeil S, Wagner M, Kollmar, Kopp B, Gräber S, Rau B, Schilling MK. Correlation of IL-8 with induction, progression and metastatic potential of colorectal cancer. World J Gastroenterol 2007; 37: 4996-5002.


Rubie C, Oliveira Frick V, Wagner M, Rau B, Schilling MK. Chemokine Receptor CCR6 expression in Colorectal Liver Metastasis. J Clin Oncol 2006; 24: 5173-5174.


Rubie C, Oliveira Frick V, Wagner M, Weber C, Kruse B, Kempf  K, König J, Rau B, Schilling MK. Chemokine Expression in Hepatocellular Carcinoma versus Colorectal Liver Metastases. World J Gastroenterol 2006; 41: 6627-6633.


Rubie C, Frick VO, Wagner M, Rau B, Weber, C, Kruse B, Kempf K, Tilton J, König J, Schilling M. Enhanced expression and clinical significance of CC-chemokine MIP-3alpha in hepatocellular carcinoma. Scan J Immunol 2006; 63: 468-477.


Rubie C, Oliveira V, Kempf K, Wagner M, Tilton B, Rau B, Kruse B, König J, Schilling M. Involvement of chemokine receptor CCR6 in colorectal cancer metastasis. Tumor Biol 2006; 27: 166-174.


Rau BM, Kruger CM, Hasel, C, Oliveira V, Rubie C, Beger HG, Schilling MK. Effects of immunosuppressive and immunostimulative treatment on pancreatic injury and mortality in severe acute experimental pancreatitis. Pankreas 2006; 33: 174-183.


Rubie C, Kempf K, Hans J, Su T, Tilton B, Georg T, Brittner B, Ludwig B, Schilling M. Housekeeping gene variability in normal and cancerous colorectal, pancreatic, esophageal, gastric and hepatic tissues. Mol Cell Probe 2005; 19: 101-109.