Saarland University Medical Center and Saarland University Faculty of Medicine

Matriculation - "Einschreibung"

Every (host) student has to immatriculate to study at Saarland University. If you are member of the LLP-/ ERASMUS-Programme it is possible to complete your matriculation in our ERASMUS-/ECTS-Coordination Office in Homburg or (it is your own choice) at our central services in Saarbrücken. You must bring the following documents:


  • Proof of health insurance (European Health Insurance Card)

  • 1 recent passport photos

  • Matriculation Formular (online or ERASMUS-/ECTS-Coordination Office)

  • Proof of payment or bank transfer of the Semestergebühr (85,00 ?: you receive a ?semester ticket? that entitles you to use all public transport within Saarland (buses and local trains)


Matriculation Homburg:

ERASMUS-/ECTS-Coordination Office
Medical Faculty
Bldg. 15, 1. OG
Campus Homburg

Consultation Hours:
Mo-Fr 09-12h
Matriculation Saarbrücken:

Bldg. D41 (Mensa)
Room 97, Fr. Teufel
Campus Saarbrücken

Consultation Hours
Mo-Do: 13.30-15.00 Uhr
Fr: 09.00-11:30 Uhr


You do not have to pay student fees, but ERASMUS-Students purchase the so called "Semester Ticket" obligatory. The amount has to pay in the Bank1Saar. After payment you will receive a quittance, which you necessarily need to complete your matriculation. The semester ticket entitles you to use all the public transport within the Saarland (buses and local trains) among 6 months.