Saarland University Medical Center and Saarland University Faculty of Medicine
Stereotactic surgery at the Department of Neurosurgery in Homburg

Stereotactic surgery at the Department of Neurosurgery in Homburg

The word "stereotaxic" literally means spatial positioning. In neurosurgery, it refers to a specific method which allows to accurately locate small anatomical structures or pathological processes, which are deeply located in the brain, and precisely introduce electrodes or cannulas to the calculated target points.

Currently the following stereotactic procedures are performed at the Department of Neurosurgery of the Saarland University Medical Center:

1. Stereotactic biopsies

2. Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS)

Stereotactic biopsy is used to obtain an accurate histological diagnosis of tumors in surgically difficult-to-access regions of the brain. This diagnosis represents the precondition for any further targeted treatment of patients.

The deep brain stimulation or DBS is a surgical procedure in which an electrode is implanted in certain small deeply located brain structures, in order to suppress electrically misguided brain activity - in terms of a "brain pacemaker". In this way, certain so-called functional disorders can be  influenced favorably.


These include:
1.certain movement disorders

  • shaking (tremor)
  • stiffness (rigidity)
  • immobility (akinesia) and
  • excessive movements (dyskinesia)

2. unbearable pain

3. focal epilepsies

4. psychological disorders

The main focus of deep brain stimulation in Homburg currently lies in the treatment of so-called extrapyramidal movement disorder, especially in:

  1. Morbus Parkinson
  2. benign essential tremor
  3. Dystonias

Contact Stereotaxis

Neurosurgical Team:

OÄ Dr. med. Dörthe Keiner
Phone: 06841-1614450

Prof. Dr. med. Peter Grunert
Phone:   06841/16 24451 oder 06841/16 24100

Registration for Admission:
Sr. Susanne Mathieu
Phone: 06841/16 24421

Neurological Team:
Prof. U. Dillmann, PD J. Spiegel, OA J. Bürmann
available via ambulance for Parkinson´s disease
Phone: 06841/16 24138
or EMG 06841/16 24116