Universitätsklinikum des Saarlandes und Medizinische Fakultät der Universität des Saarlandes
Aktuelle Workshops und Events
Leitung: Prof. Dr. Joachim Oertel


5th Spine Surgery Hands-on Course 2024 - Surgical Approaches to Junction in Spine


May 22 - 24, Homburg-Saar


program fully booked


  Program flyer

  Registration form



13th Endoscopyweek Homburg/Saar 2024

13th Endoscopyweek Homburg/Saar 2024


September 08 - 13, 2024, Homburg-Saar










May 10 -12, 2023, 360° Fusion Techniques in Cervical Spine Surgery


May 10-12, 2023, Homburg-Saar


360° Fusion Techniques in Cervical Spine Surgery


  Spine Course program


  Registration Form


Course fully booked

September 03 - 09, 2023 12th HOMBURGER NEUROENDOSCOPY WEEK 2023


September 03 - 09, 2023, Homburg-Saar










November 08 - 09, 2023, The 6th Homburg ICP & Hydrocephalus Workshop


November 08 - 09, 2023, Homburg-Saar


The 6th Homburg ICP & Hydrocephalus Workshop

  ICP & Hydrocephalus program

  Registration Form




May 18 - 20, 2022, Part 3 of our Spine course in May 2022

May 18-20, 2022, Homburg-Saar

Part 3 of our Spine course in May 2022


Program Flyer

September 11 - 17, 2022 11th HOMBURGER NEUROENDOSCOPY WEEK 2022


September 11 - 17, 2022, Homburg-Saar




Sorry, we are full booked!



Preliminary Program



November 09 - 10, 2022, The 6th Homburg ICP & Hydrocephalus Workshop

November 09 - 10, 2022, Homburg-Saar

The 6th Homburg ICP & Hydrocephalus Workshop




March 11, 2021, Clinical Workshop of Endoscopic Neurosurgery

March 11, 2021, Clinical Workshop of Endoscopic Neurosurgery


March 11, 2021, Homburg-Saar

Clinical Workshop of Endoscopic Neurosurgery


Program Flyer

May 19 - 21, 2021, SSC – Spine Surgery Course CLINICAL WORKSHOP

May 19 - 21, 2021, Homburg-Saar

SSC – Spine Surgery Course CLINICAL WORKSHOP


Fortunately epidemiological situation

in Germany now is improved. So we can lead

a hands-on course.

So our online course will be cancelled.

We are looking forward to your visit!


live Program

Registration form


live program fully booked





September 05 - 10, 2021 10th HOMBURGER NEUROENDOSCOPY WEEK 2021

September 05 - 10, 2021, Homburg-Saar



Save the date


Registration is possible from May 2021

September 10-11, 2021 ISMISS 2021

September 10-11, 2020, Homburg-Saar

ISMISS 2021 Programm Flyer





November 06 -10, 2021, The 6th Homburg ICP & Hydrocephalus Workshop

November 06 -10, 2021, Homburg-Saar

The 6th Homburg ICP & Hydrocephalus Workshop




November 11 - 12, 2021 Clinical Workshop of Endoscopic Neurosurgery


November 11 - 12, 2021, Homburg-Saar

Clinical Workshop of Endoscopic Neurosurgery


Program Flyer

Januar 29, 2020 Fortbildungsveranstaltung des Homburger Neurozentrums


Januar 29, 2020, Homburg-Saar

Fortbildungsveranstaltung Neurozentrum Neues und Bewährtes bei der Therapie maligner Hirntumore






March 5 - 6, 2020, Clinical Workshop of Endoscopic Neurosurgery

March 5 - 6, 2020, Clinical Workshop of Endoscopic Neurosurgery

March 5 - 6, 2020, Homburg-Saar

Clinical Workshop of Endoscopic Neurosurgery


Program Flyer

July 09 - 10, 2020, SSC – Spine Surgery Course CLINICAL WORKSHOP

July 09 - 10, 2020, Homburg-Saar

SSC – Spine Surgery Course CLINICAL WORKSHOP


Save the date




September 13 - 19, 2020 9th HOMBURGER NEUROENDOSCOPY WEEK 2020

September 13 - 19, 2020, Homburg-Saar




November 25, 2020, The 5th Homburg ICP & Hydrocephalus Workshop

November 25, 2020, Homburg-Saar

The 5th Homburg ICP & Hydrocephalus Workshop




November 12 - 13, 2020 Clinical Workshop of Endoscopic Neurosurgery


November 12 - 13, 2020, Homburg-Saar

Clinical Workshop of Endoscopic Neurosurgery


Program Flyer

March 14 - 15, 2019 Clinical Workshop of Endoscopic Neurosurgery


March 14 - 15, 2019, Homburg-Saar

Endoscopic applications in neurosurgery are rapidly evolving. A wide range of neurosurgical diseases can be treated endoscopically although opportunities and potential pitfalls of these strategies are still under evaluation. This clinical workshop is designed to present a wide range of endoscopic techniques, including intraventricular endoscopy, transsphenoidal and transcranial skull base surgery, peripheral nerve surgery as well as various approaches in spine surgery. Lectures will be given about indications, surgical techniques and equipment selection. Live endoscopic surgeries in HD quality will demonstrate endoscopic approaches to the lumbar spine, endoscopic transsphenoidal and transcranial skull base procedures and intraventricular techniques step-by-step.


Program Flyer





March 14 - 15, 2019 Clinical Workshop of Endoscopic Neurosurgery


March 14 - 15, 2019, Homburg-Saar

Endoscopic applications in neurosurgery are rapidly evolving. A wide range of neurosurgical diseases can be treated endoscopically although opportunities and potential pitfalls of these strategies are still under evaluation. This clinical workshop is designed to present a wide range of endoscopic techniques, including intraventricular endoscopy, transsphenoidal and transcranial skull base surgery, peripheral nerve surgery as well as various approaches in spine surgery. Lectures will be given about indications, surgical techniques and equipment selection. Live endoscopic surgeries in HD quality will demonstrate endoscopic approaches to the lumbar spine, endoscopic transsphenoidal and transcranial skull base procedures and intraventricular techniques step-by-step.


Program Flyer





September 12 - 13, 2019 Workshop on Intracranial Vacular Treatment

September 12 - 13, 2019, Homburg-Saar

Workshop on Intracranial Vascular Treatment


Hands-on parts

Live surgeries and angioraphic interventions






September 15 - 21, 2019 8th HOMBURGER NEUROENDOSCOPY WEEK 2019

September 15 - 21, 2019, Homburg-Saar


This workshop is 2019 divided into three modules:

Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery (Module 1),

Cranial Neuroendoscopy (Module 2) and

Endoscopic Spine Surgery (Module 3).

We will provide comprehensive Lectures, interesting

Live Surgeries and Hands-on Workshops

on human cadavers and animal models.


We are very pleased to present an Extraordinary International Faculty

with experts in all fields of Neuroendoscopy.


As before a selected variety of innovate neurosurgical products will be

presented in the accompanying Industrial Exhibition.



For REGISTRATION please follow this link:




November 12 - 13, 2019 The 4th Homburg ICP & Hydrocephalus Workshop

November 12 - 13, 2019, Homburg-Saar

Following the great success of our workshops in 2016, 2017 & 2018, we are delighted to announce the 4th Homburg ICP and Hydrocephalus Workshop.
The intention for the workshop is to recapitulate the general understanding of hydrocephalus and to discuss modern therapeutic approaches. One main focus will be on telemetric intracranial pressure monitoring. The long-term application of this technique provides unprecedented insights into the illness and supports important medical decisions. We expect telemetry to become an integral part of neurosurgery in the future.
Our staff and selected international experts welcome you here for intense discussions,
workshops and live surgery cases. We are looking forward to the upcoming workshop!


Program Flyer



November 14 - 15, 2019 Clinical Workshop of Endoscopic Neurosurgery


November 14 - 15, 2019, Homburg-Saar

Endoscopic applications in neurosurgery are rapidly evolving. A wide range of neurosurgical diseases can be treated endoscopically although opportunities and potential pitfalls of these strategies are still under evaluation. This clinical workshop is designed to present a wide range of endoscopic techniques, including intraventricular endoscopy, transsphenoidal and transcranial skull base surgery, peripheral nerve surgery as well as various approaches in spine surgery. Lectures will be given about indications, surgical techniques and equipment selection. Live endoscopic surgeries in HD quality will demonstrate endoscopic approaches to the lumbar spine, endoscopic transsphenoidal and transcranial skull base procedures and intraventricular techniques step-by-step.


We are looking forward to welcoming you in Homburg-Saar.



Program Flyer





April 26-27, 2018 ClinicalWorkshop of Endoscopic Neurosurgery

April 26-27, 2018, Homburg-Saar


This clinical workshop is designed to present a wide range of endoscopic techniques, including intraventricular endoscopy, transsphenoidal and transcranial skull base surgery, peripheral nerve surgery, as well as various approaches in spine surgery. The participants will be able to experience live endoscopic surgeries directly in the operating room. The surgeries will demonstrate endoscopic approaches and techniques step-by-step. Furthermore, lectures will be given about indications, surgical techniques and equipment selection.


Program flyer





June 09, 2018, Zweibrücken

Eine Krebserkrankung ist eine sehr belastende Erfahrung und die Therapie und Nachsorge

erstreckt sich oft über viele Jahre. Körperliche Aktivität führt nicht nur zu einer besseren

Belastbarkeit und psychischen Stabilität, sondern verbessert auch das körperliche

Wohlbefinden und die Immunaktivität.


An diesem Tag werden die verschiedenen Aspekte des Sports für

Krebserkrankte theoretisch und praktisch umfänglich vorgestellt.


Program Flyer




June 14-15, 2018 Workshop on Intracranial Vascular Treatment

June 14-15, 2018, Homburg-Saar


Our philosophy:

  • Complementary treatment - integrating expertise from both fields in an interdisciplinary treatment strategy
  • Competitive treatment in disease-specific clinical pictures, such as cerebral aneurysms, improves the technique and increases the quality of treatment
  • Competent treatment of specific pathologies like EC-IC bypass or endovascular thrombectomy and mutual dialogue

Our staff and selected experts would like to welcome you for intense discussions, live surgery cases and hands-on experience.




September 2-6 2018 7th Homburger Neuroendoscopy Week

September 2-6, 2018, Homburg-Saar


Typically this workshop is divided into two modules, covering intracranial endoscopy and endoscopic spine surgery (a workshop for endoscopic spine surgery please note the subsequent Pre-workshop of the ISMISS-Meeting 2018).
But this year we introduce a complete new part in the workshop. MODULE 1 is focused on the interdisciplinary approach to the skull base in cooperation with our ENT-Department of Prof. Dr. Schick.
MODULE 2 will focus on intraventricular endoscopy and pediatric neurosurgery. We will provide comprehensive lectures by international experts, interesting live surgery cases and hands-on-lessons on animal models and human cadavers.
The lectures will cover indications, surgical techniques and equipment selection as well as personal experiences and complication management. Additionally hands-on workshops will provide demonstrations of neuroendoscopic techniques, as well as time to enhance your own surgical skills. During the social program, the participants can exchange their own experiences and, at the same time, personally discuss special points and topics with the faculty members.



For registration / payment / invitation letter please follow this link:



September 7-8, ISMISS 2018

September 7-8, 2018, Homburg-Saar




Registration and abstract
submission now open ! ! !



October 17, 2018 Fortbildungsreihe: Liquordynamikund Hydrocephalus


October 17, 2018, Homburg im Hörsaal des Neurozentrums

Sehr geehrte Frau Kollegin, sehr geehrter Herr Kollege,
im Rahmen der Fortbildungsreihe





am Mittwoch, den 17. Oktober 2018, 16.00 Uhr,
im Hörsaal des Neurozentrums, Geb. 90,
möchten wir Sie recht herzlich einladen.


Program Flyer




November 20-21, ICP & Hydrocephalus Workshop 2018

November 20-21, ICP & Hydrocephalus Workshop 2018


Hydrocephalus is a progressive condition, imposing – sooner or later – severe restrictions on the patient’s everyday life. Our concern, however, must be to take advantage of modern medical advances for early recognition, sufficient therapy and intensive aftercare of the disease. Recent innovative developments in the field of neuroendoscopy, cerebral shunting and intracranial pressure monitoring represent major steps towards achieving the best possible patient care.


Following the great success of our last workshop and the great demand, we are delighted to organize the “3rd Homburg ICP and Hydrocephalus Workshop”. The intention of the workshop is to recapitulate the general understanding of hydrocephalus and to discuss modern therapeutic approaches. One main focus will be on telemetric intracranial pressure monitoring. The long-term application of this technique provides unprecedented insights into the illness and supports important medical decisions. We expect telemetry will become an integral part of neurosurgery in the future. Our staff and experts welcome you for intense discussions, hands-on experience and live surgery cases. We are looking forward to the upcoming workshop in Homburg!




November 22-23, 2018 ClinicalWorkshop of Endoscopic Neurosurgery

November 22-23, 2018, Homburg-Saar


This clinical workshop is designed to present a wide range of endoscopic techniques, including intraventricular endoscopy, transsphenoidal and transcranial skull base surgery, peripheral nerve surgery, as well as various approaches in spine surgery. The participants will be able to experience live endoscopic surgeries directly in the operating room. The surgeries will demonstrate endoscopic approaches and techniques step-by-step. Furthermore, lectures will be given about indications, surgical techniques and equipment selection.


Program flyer



5th Spine Surgery Hands-on Course 2024 - Surgical Approaches to Junction in Spine


May 22 - 24, Homburg-Saar


program fully booked


  Program flyer

  Registration form



Tumorgenetische Arbeitstagung 2017

Tumorgenetische Arbeitstagung 2017
15-17 Juni 2017, Zweibrücken













Workshop on Intracranial Vascular Treatment

June 29-30, 2017, Homburg-Saar

Our philosophy:

    • Complementary treatment - integrating expertise from both fields in an interdisciplinary treatment strategy
    • Competitive treatment in disease-specific clinical pictures, such as cerebral aneurysms, improves the technique and increases the quality of treatment
    • Competent treatment of specific pathologies like EC-IC bypass or endovascular thrombectomy and mutual dialogue

      Our staff and selected experts would like to welcome you for intense discussions, live surgery cases and hands-on experience.



      Registration form

      Minimally Invasive Spine Workshop

      August 31st - September 1st, 2017, Homburg-Saar


      This clinical workshop is designed to present a wide range of cervical and lumbar instrumentation procedures with special focus on percutaneous techniques. Lectures will be given about indications, surgical techniques and equipment selection. Live surgeries and cadaveric sessions will demonstrate the approach and implementation of the various instrumentation systems.


      Program flyer

      Registration form


      6th Homburger Neuroendoscopy Week

      September 11-15, 2017, Homburg-Saar


      The workshop is divided into two modules, covering intracranial endoscopy (Module 1) and endoscopic spine surgery (Module 2). We will provide comprehensive lectures by international experts, interesting live surgery cases and hands-on-lessons on animal models and human cadavers.


      The lectures will cover indications, surgical techniques and equipment selection as well as personal experiences and pitfalls. Additionally hands-on workshops will provide demonstrations of neuroendoscopic techniques, as well as time to enhance your own surgical skills. During the social program, the participants can exchange their own experiences and, at the same time, personally discuss special points and topics with the faculty members.


      Program flyer

      Registration form

      Fortbildungsveranstaltung - Endoskopie in der modernen Neurochirurgie

      Fortbildungsreihe -
      Operative und Konservative Therapieoptionen bei Degenerativen Erkrankungen der Halswirbelsäule
      11. Oktober 2017, Homburg










      Clinical Workshop of Endoscopic Neurosurgery

      November 23-24, 2017, Homburg-Saar


      This clinical workshop is designed to present a wide range of endoscopic techniques, including intraventricular endoscopy, transsphenoidal and transcranial skull base surgery, peripheral nerve surgery as well as various approaches in spine surgery. The participants will be able to experience live endoscopic surgeries directly in the operating room. The surgeries will demonstrate endoscopic approaches and techniques step-by-step. Furthermore, lectures will be given about indications, surgical techniques and equipment selection.


      Program flyer

      Registration form


      2nd Homburg ICP and Hydrocephalus Workshop

      November 28-30, 2017, Homburg-Saar


      The intention for the workshop is to recapitulate the general understanding of Hydrocephalus and to discuss modern therapeutic approaches. One main focus will be on telemetric intracranial pressure monitoring. The long-term application of this technique provides unprecedented insights into the illness and supports important medical decisions. We expect telemetry to become an integral part of neurosurgery in the future.


      Our staff and selected international experts welcome you here for intense discussions, workshops and live surgery cases.


      Registration form

      Clinical Workshop of Endoscopic Neurosurgery

      March 19-20, 2015













      Fortbildungsveranstaltung im Rahmen des Homburger Neurozentrums

      13. Mai 2015














      Sport für Menschen mit Krebs

      8. Juni 2015 Festhalle Saarbrücken













      Endoscopic Neuro and Spine Surgery

      September 14-18, 2015










      Clinical Workshop of Telemetric ICP-Monitoring

      October 15-16, 2015













      Clinical Workshop of Telemetric ICP-Monitoring

      February 14-15, 2013


      Registration Form












      Clinical Workshop of Endoscopic Neurosurgery

      March 8-9, 2013













      Einladung zur Fortbildungsveranstaltung im Rahmen des Homburger Neurozentrums

      Einladung zur Fortbildungsveranstaltung im
      Rahmen des Homburger Neurozentrums
      26.Juni 2013, Homburg-Saar












      Endoscopic Neuro and Spine Surgery

      September 23-27, 2013












      Clinical Workshop of Endoscopic Neurosurgery

      November 28-29, 2013












      Clinical Workshop of Telemtric ICP-Monitoring

      November 14-15, 2013